7 Esoteric Reasons for Humanity's Problems

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To give you a heads up, here a few of the deeper real reasons for why humanity currently finds itself in so much trouble. These reasons and topics are explored in greater detail in Part Two of the Bigger Picture series.

1. The Journey of Evolution and Involution (aka Evolution / Devolution)

This refers to the descent from Spirit into Matter and back again. As we move from Spirit into Matter, we become more 'materialistic'. When we reach the extremes of materialism, we are operating from greed, selfishness and separateness, and this leads to harming others and nature. This is clear to see in our world right now. 

2. The Astrological Shift from Pisces to Aquarius

This refers to the natural astrological shifts which occur every few thousand years, and bring with them different defining energies which influence humanity on every level (physical, mental, emotional, energetic) and which cause upheaval during the transition from one age to...

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The Overvew Effect: 7 Reasons for Humanity's Problems

the bigger picture Apr 23, 2023

"If you're ready to understand the much MUCH bigger picture of what is going on in the world, along with the way through and out of our problems, understanding 'the bigger picture' is non-negotiable". 

Most people in the world today are unaware of the deeper reasons for why we are experiencing so much societal / planetary breakdown and chaos. They are also unaware that what we see as problems turning up in life are purely the end-result of deeper hidden causes.

In the first webinar in the 'Bigger Picture' series, we look at the inter-connectedness of world problems on a physical plane level - this is called a 'joining the dots' exercise. 

Whether it be politics, the economy, finances, education, food, medicine, health, government, agriculture, ecology, war, the climate, the environment, work or more, it is clear to see that humanity is in trouble. We could say there is barely one part of society or the planet that is not under duress: the cost of living is...

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The Bigger Picture - The Promise of Hope

the bigger picture Mar 23, 2023

How are you feeling about the current state of affairs in the world?

Is it causing anxiety, fear, worry, concern? How are you coping? Do you believe there is hope we can solve our problems? Or does everything seem dire with no way out...

Often, when we get stuck in looking at the reality of the (seeming) chaos in the world (economy, inflation, cost of living, corruption, environmental disasters, climate change... the list goes on...) we can begin to feel frustrated, sad and even hopeless.

But what if we could view things differently?

What if there was another perspective which when understood could radically change your understanding of the situation?

What if this understanding enabled you to see the 'bigger picture' of life, setting in context the underlying and mostly hidden reasons for why the world is in dire straits?

What if there were reasons and purpose for what is happening, even though it looks like the world is breaking down?

What if you could understand...

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The Time is Now

meditate the portal movie Dec 27, 2022

At a time of daily earth-shattering revelations, THE PORTAL addresses the question of: What can I do to help?

The answer is simple—MEDITATE.

The film is an intimate journey into the lives of six real-life stories who all experienced anxiety, trauma and PTSD, and found their way forward to a life of greater harmony and joy using mindfulness and meditation. 

This is an inspiring and moving journey from the head to the heart, with a vision to unite humanity and create a better world.

Across the planet people have joined this movement with the film translated in German, Hindi and Spanish and the book published in 15 countries. 

THE PORTAL is an immersive, cinematic experience of transformation on a personal scale, with global implications that follows six people (and a robot) who transform their own lives, providing inspiration—and a toolkit for change.

The film is richly visual and sonically powerful, breaking ground with its use of...

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Do you know who you are?

Uncategorized Oct 25, 2022

Who are you? Who owns you? Do you know?

The following is a series of screenshots from the video series mentioned at the bottom of this blog.

Be prepared to have your mind blown if this is the first time you are hearing it.

In fact, it can be so shocking, it can take a while for this news to 'land' and integrate. 

So be gentle with yourself as you learn the truth of what has been going on 'behind the scenes' for centuries!

A few salient points:

When you are born ('berthed'), you become 'chattel' as soon as you are 'registered' with the state:

When you are born, you become the property of the state when you are 'registered' at birth ('berth'):

Only your first name is yours.

Your parents are you 'pair rents'. When you are birthed (berthed) they unwittingly give you away.

 You are 'goods' that are 'berthed' in dock (and by the way, when you walk into a court of law you walk into the 'dock' through a 'gate'):

Your birth registration gives you away to the state, but...

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Is This What It Takes To Thrive?


Released on 11/11/2011, the film, “THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?” was an unconventional documentary which lifted the veil on what’s REALLY going on in our world, by following the money 'upstream' and uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives.

The original documentary garnered over 90 million views and was translated into 27 languages. On Sept. 26, 2020, almost nine years later, the team released the sequel, THRIVE II: This Is What It Takes.

THRIVE II: This Is What It Takes,” brings viewers behind the scenes with the people and inventions that have the power to transform life for everyone.

The film unpacks the strategies, the science, and the principles that underlie the most potent solutions in energy, health, consciousness, and non-coercive self-organizing.

THRIVE II brings compelling evidence that illustrates a new paradigm of science that Einstein was seeking, unveiling for the layperson an emerging...

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The Labours of Hercules - taming the 9 headed hydra


By Michael Lindfield

2025 Initiative Scorpio Full Moon webinar, November 2020

"Until we have gained access to the spiritual gold that is the wealth and wisdom of the Soul, we may find it necessary to take out a mortgage with the Bank of Materialism to finance our incarnations. Think of it as a ‘student loan’ for the personality enrolled in the classroom of Gaia. Eventually, all debts and loans need to be repaid. Now is the time when these markers are being called in. Liberation from the karmic debt of matter is our task as we move towards a new sustainable and soular-powered model of living as incarnated souls".

In order to reach the '5th kingdom of Souls' we must battle with and have victory over the 9 headed hydra or 'serpent of desire'. This is what is meant by 'The Labour of Hercules'.

What is the 9 headed hydra?

In the book the 'Labour of Hercules' by Alice Bailey, the 9 heads are distributed over 3 planes of existence: mental, emotional...

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The Sun Never Sets and the Soul Always Shines

michael lindfield Nov 05, 2020


It would be difficult to refute the assertion that this has been a particularly challenging year aboard spaceship Earth. In terms of social upheaval, political tension, factional strife and natural disasters, 2018 ranks high on an all-time Top Ten list.

Here in southern California we have faced prolonged drought, devastating wildfires and now, drenching rains threaten to destabilize scorched and fragile hillsides. It is no wonder that so many are engulfed in the anguish generated by this ‘perfect storm’ and find themselves focused on surviving and coping.

We are being tested as never before and it is all too easy to get caught up with what is happening on the ground and forget to stop and lift our gaze to the heavens to drink in the realization that we are part of something greater – a vast and majestic infinite Mystery in which we “live and move and have our being.” The fact is that we are both residents of...

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The Role and Purpose of Education in the New Age

alice bailey master dk Nov 01, 2020

"As a man thinketh, so is he."  This is a truism and a platitude of occultism.  Therefore, what is true of the individual is also true of the group, and as a group thinks, so does it eventually react.  As the group thought-waves penetrate into the mental atmosphere of humanity, men become impressed, and the inaugurating of the new ways of living and of developing proceeds with increased facility".

The Changing Face of Education

"The word "spiritual" does not refer to religious matters, so-called. 

All activity which drives the human being forward towards some form of development—physical, emotional, mental, intuitional, social—if it is in advance of his present state is essentially spiritual in nature, and is indicative of the livingness of the inner divine entity. 

The spirit of man is undying; it forever endures, progressing from point to point and stage to stage upon the Path of Evolution, unfolding steadily and sequentially the divine...

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