The Overvew Effect: 7 Reasons for Humanity's Problems

the bigger picture Apr 23, 2023

"If you're ready to understand the much MUCH bigger picture of what is going on in the world, along with the way through and out of our problems, understanding 'the bigger picture' is non-negotiable". 

Most people in the world today are unaware of the deeper reasons for why we are experiencing so much societal / planetary breakdown and chaos. They are also unaware that what we see as problems turning up in life are purely the end-result of deeper hidden causes.

In the first webinar in the 'Bigger Picture' series, we look at the inter-connectedness of world problems on a physical plane level - this is called a 'joining the dots' exercise. 

Whether it be politics, the economy, finances, education, food, medicine, health, government, agriculture, ecology, war, the climate, the environment, work or more, it is clear to see that humanity is in trouble. We could say there is barely one part of society or the planet that is not under duress: the cost of living is unsustainable, the health of the population is degrading year by year, mental illness is sky-rocketing, corruption is off the charts... the list goes on and on.

The question arises, why is this so? Is it just a question of man's greed, selfishness and disconnection from nature? Or is there a BIGGER PICTURE? And most importantly, is there something we can do about it?

In order to understand what is going on in the 'grand scheme of things' (and your mind is likely to be blown away when you truly understand this term which we cover in the Bigger Picture Part Two), we have to lift ourselves off the ground to get a birds eye view, and then go beyond this to a higher bigger spaceship view.

The Ground Level View

Why do chickens scratch the ground? - Dine a Chook *

When we are on ground level, we will just see what is infront of us - the road infront of us, the buildings around us, just what is in our immediate environment... What this means in terms of understanding what is going on in the world, is that we will not be able to see the interconnectedness of all that is happening in the physical world reality. We will not see the level of deprivation and degredation which humanity has sunk to in multiple areas of life, including 'Big Pharma, Big Food, Big Agriculture, Big Medicine, Big Banking, Religion, War and more. 

On the ground level we can liken ourselves to chickens pecking away on the ground, only seeing what is right infront of them, with often no interest in seeing anything else. This interconnectedness and 'joining the dots' exercise is covered in depth in the first webinar of the Bigger Picture series (part two). 

The Birds Eye View

Point of View of a Person Riding a Helicopter · Free Stock Photo *

So if you are on the ground in a big city like New York - how much will you see infront of you? You will just see the skyscrapers and buildings around you, but not much else. So now imagine you get in a helicopter and go up to fly around above the city  - you will get a 'birds eye' view. You will have a much different perspective and see so much more. This is analogous to joining the dots of what is going on a physical plane level in the world, ie, all the different areas mentioned above (and there are many more besides); you will suddenly understand how much of the chaos and corruption in the world has been pre-meditated and is interconnected. It's really quite eye-opening, and initially almost unbelievable. Is it really possible that humans can wish for their fellow humans to suffer so much? Once one understands the true history of what has been going on in the world over the past few centuries, this picture starts to become clearer. It's not a pleasant awakening, but necessary if one wishes to understand what is really going on, and for how we can solve our problems at a fundamental level.

However, this is still not the full picture. We are still only a hawk in the sky looking down at the chickens on the ground. To see the full picture of what is happening on the planet, we need to go up into space to look down on the earth...

The Space Ship View

What human-made structures can be seen from space? | Live Science

Imagine now you land your helicopter, and get into a spaceship and take off into orbit. You are now circling above the planet like one of the thousands of satellites currently in space. How would you view the world... the rest of the solar system? Would the view be different than down on the ground? Yes it would! 

When astronaut Edgar Mitchell went into space, his whole life changed. In his words “There was a startling recognition that the nature of the universe was not as I had been taught… I not only saw the connectedness, I felt it.… I was overwhelmed with the sensation of physically and mentally extending out into the cosmos. I realized that this was a biological response of my brain attempting to reorganize and give meaning to information about the wonderful and awesome processes that I was privileged to view.” 

The Overview Effect

Have you heard of the 'overview effect'?

"The 'Overview Effect' is a cognitive shift that affects some astronauts when they see the earth from space. Many say they no longer identify with a specific nationality or culture after seeing earth from outer space, instead they see themselves, and all citizens on earth,  as one people, living on one world.

The Overview Effect has been documented by numerous astronauts and cosmonauts, who describe seeing the Earth from in space first-hand like seeing “a tiny, fragile ball of life hanging in the void, shielded and nourished by a paper-thin atmosphere.”

From space, astronauts cannot see physical borderlines or national boundaries, all evidence of division and separateness vanishes.  The conflicts that divide countries, cultures and people become less important, and the need to create a peaceful united planetary society, which works together to protect this “pale blue dot,” becomes critical".*

In the Bigger Picture series, we are giving you the opportunity to understand the 'Overview Effect' of the true causes of humanity's problems from the spaceship perspective - it is nothing like most people have ever heard of... There is no bigger picture than this.


"This morning's presentation was stimulating and so very well presented, easy to understand. I thank you Kim, David and all the presenters for sharing your knowledge and giving me this wonderful opportunity to learn about the Bigger Picture".  Course member, The Bigger Picture part two.


The Overview Effect of the Esoteric Causes of Humanity's Problems - 7 Reasons Why

To give a heads up, here a few of the deeper real reasons for why humanity currently finds itself in so much trouble. These reasons and topics are explored in greater detail in Part Two of the Bigger Picture series.

1. The Journey of Evolution and Involution (aka Evolution / Devolution)

This refers to the descent from Spirit into Matter and back again. As we move from Spirit into Matter, we become more 'materialistic'. When we reach the extremes of materialism, we are operating from greed, selfishness and separateness, and this leads to harming others and nature. This is clear to see in our world right now. 

2. The Astrological Shift from Pisces to Aquarius

This refers to the natural astrological shifts which occur every few thousand years, and bring with them different defining energies which influence humanity on every level (physical, mental, emotional, energetic) and which cause upheaval during the transition from one age to the next...

3. The Rayalogical Shift from the 6th to 7th Ray

This refers to great sources of energy which emanate from beyond our solar system and colour every aspect of life, including humans and nature. As we transition from one ray to another, there is much upheaval in the world...

4. The Hidden History of Humanity

Most people in western 'civilization' have been told that humans have been around for 6,000 years. Newer research is saying we have been around for many more thousands of years than this. But what if humanity has been on earth for millions of years? The true history of humanity will blow your mind...

5. The Approaching Collective 'First Initation' of Humanity

This refers to the journey of evolution of human consciousness and how we evolve through continual 'expansions of consciousness' in an upward spiral to higher and higher levels of self-realization and wisdom. All expansions of consciousness are preceded by crisis, whether individual or collective...

6. The Move from the Solar Plexus to Heart for Humanity

This refers to the current shifting from being polarized in the animal aspect of our being (solar plexus) to our higher nature (the heart) which brings with it many challenges as we strive to overcome our animal instincts...

7. The Journey through the 5 Kingdoms of Nature to the Kingdom of Souls

This refers to humanity's journey from 'the kingdom of humanity' to the 'kingdom of Souls' and beyond into Spirit, and even beyond that, because our evolutionary journey is infinite. In order to progress into Soul consciousness, the personality (mind, emotions, body, etheric system) must be purified and uplevelled...


Is it time?

So you see, the reasons for humanity's current chaos and world problems are much MUCH bigger than you may have been taught in school. In fact, most people are not taught this information at all. 

However, the Ageless Wisdom teachings have been sharing this message and information for some time (and as we explain in the Bigger Picture series part two, there are 3 dispensations of these teachings - two have already been released, the third is yet to come, possibly soon). 

The Ageless Wisdom teachings encompass, include and embrace all religions, but go higher and further in scope than any one religion. 

If you're ready to understand the much MUCH bigger picture of what is going on in the world, along with the way through and out of our problems, understanding 'the bigger picture' is non-negotiable. 

Do join us in the series, it's available to watch anytime online, at a very affordable price. 

Join the Bigger Picture Series Here 


Feedback from course members:

"I am delighted to have signed up for "The Bigger Picture" - it's exactly what I needed to make sense of it all, and also to make more Spiritual progress".

"I want to share how much I'm enjoying this series"

"It's full and rich with highly informative information and Kim's 'joining the dots' exercise is just brilliant!"

"Being able to view world events from a bigger perspective has taken me from fear to openness through this deeper understanding.  I can't wait to learn more!"

This morning's presentation was stimulating, so well presented and easy to understand. Thank you Kim, David and all the presenters for sharing your knowledge and giving me this wonderful opportunity to learn about the Bigger Picture”. 


* Article 'the overview effect' 

* chicken image 

* helicopter image 

* view from space 


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