7 Esoteric Reasons for Humanity's Problems

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To give you a heads up, here a few of the deeper real reasons for why humanity currently finds itself in so much trouble. These reasons and topics are explored in greater detail in Part Two of the Bigger Picture series.

1. The Journey of Evolution and Involution (aka Evolution / Devolution)

This refers to the descent from Spirit into Matter and back again. As we move from Spirit into Matter, we become more 'materialistic'. When we reach the extremes of materialism, we are operating from greed, selfishness and separateness, and this leads to harming others and nature. This is clear to see in our world right now. 

2. The Astrological Shift from Pisces to Aquarius

This refers to the natural astrological shifts which occur every few thousand years, and bring with them different defining energies which influence humanity on every level (physical, mental, emotional, energetic) and which cause upheaval during the transition from one age to...

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