The Time is Now

meditate the portal movie Dec 27, 2022

At a time of daily earth-shattering revelations, THE PORTAL addresses the question of: What can I do to help?

The answer is simple—MEDITATE.

The film is an intimate journey into the lives of six real-life stories who all experienced anxiety, trauma and PTSD, and found their way forward to a life of greater harmony and joy using mindfulness and meditation. 

This is an inspiring and moving journey from the head to the heart, with a vision to unite humanity and create a better world.

Across the planet people have joined this movement with the film translated in German, Hindi and Spanish and the book published in 15 countries. 

THE PORTAL is an immersive, cinematic experience of transformation on a personal scale, with global implications that follows six people (and a robot) who transform their own lives, providing inspiration—and a toolkit for change.

The film is richly visual and sonically powerful, breaking ground with its use of...

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