The Labours of Hercules - taming the 9 headed hydra


By Michael Lindfield

2025 Initiative Scorpio Full Moon webinar, November 2020

"Until we have gained access to the spiritual gold that is the wealth and wisdom of the Soul, we may find it necessary to take out a mortgage with the Bank of Materialism to finance our incarnations. Think of it as a ‘student loan’ for the personality enrolled in the classroom of Gaia. Eventually, all debts and loans need to be repaid. Now is the time when these markers are being called in. Liberation from the karmic debt of matter is our task as we move towards a new sustainable and soular-powered model of living as incarnated souls".

In order to reach the '5th kingdom of Souls' we must battle with and have victory over the 9 headed hydra or 'serpent of desire'. This is what is meant by 'The Labour of Hercules'.

What is the 9 headed hydra?

In the book the 'Labour of Hercules' by Alice Bailey, the 9 heads are distributed over 3 planes of existence: mental, emotional...

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The Role and Purpose of Education in the New Age

alice bailey master dk Nov 01, 2020

"As a man thinketh, so is he."  This is a truism and a platitude of occultism.  Therefore, what is true of the individual is also true of the group, and as a group thinks, so does it eventually react.  As the group thought-waves penetrate into the mental atmosphere of humanity, men become impressed, and the inaugurating of the new ways of living and of developing proceeds with increased facility".

The Changing Face of Education

"The word "spiritual" does not refer to religious matters, so-called. 

All activity which drives the human being forward towards some form of development—physical, emotional, mental, intuitional, social—if it is in advance of his present state is essentially spiritual in nature, and is indicative of the livingness of the inner divine entity. 

The spirit of man is undying; it forever endures, progressing from point to point and stage to stage upon the Path of Evolution, unfolding steadily and sequentially the divine...

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