Do you know who you are?

Uncategorized Oct 25, 2022

Who are you? Who owns you? Do you know?

The following is a series of screenshots from the video series mentioned at the bottom of this blog.

Be prepared to have your mind blown if this is the first time you are hearing it.

In fact, it can be so shocking, it can take a while for this news to 'land' and integrate. 

So be gentle with yourself as you learn the truth of what has been going on 'behind the scenes' for centuries!

A few salient points:

When you are born ('berthed'), you become 'chattel' as soon as you are 'registered' with the state:

When you are born, you become the property of the state when you are 'registered' at birth ('berth'):

Only your first name is yours.

Your parents are you 'pair rents'. When you are birthed (berthed) they unwittingly give you away.

 You are 'goods' that are 'berthed' in dock (and by the way, when you walk into a court of law you walk into the 'dock' through a 'gate'):

Your birth registration gives you away to the state, but neither you nor your parents know this at the time (but now you do):

When you register any property, you are giving it away to the state. Your body is also your property, which means you also inadvertently sign away your rights to this too.

Once we are 'berthed' (birthed) and registered (to the state) we become 'dead' in the eyes of the legal system. Admiralty law (the law of the sea) is the law of corporations (corp - dead). Common law is the law (lore) of the land. Once you go to sea, you are considered dead. 

'You own nothing and will be happy', so say the sustainable development goals of the WEF.

When we are registered, we are cast out to sea as dead. 

When you are born you are 'birthed' into dock. Your 'pair rents' do not own you once you are 'registered' and given away to the state (the corporation - corps - dead)

You become goods, chattels, which are traded like men trade livestock. We have no idea this is happening! Did you know? Well, you do now!

Technically, once you are registered (to the state / corporation) at birth, you are no longer a 'living' being - you are a dead, fictional entity. Did you know this?

Once you are registered, you are traded on the stock market throughout your whole life! Did you know? 

The reason 'they' (the state / corporation) can take you away is that they owned you as soon as you were registered at birth (berth) and given to them unwittingly by your parents ('pair rents):

When you 'come of age', in theory, you become a 'living' being again, but as soon as you start to 'register' for things (driving licence, to vote etc), you give away your rights again. 

Corporate ('corps - dead') law is admiralty law, which is why there are so many references to the sea (papal 'see')

The holy sea (see)

Watch the full video at 

And watch the full series at 


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