Lessons in not repeating the past... and creating a better future

history Jul 15, 2023

“Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.”

Note: the above video contains some potentially upsetting facts and images, I suggest listening rather than watching if any of the images are too upsetting. Or simply don't watch it at all...

I remember a particular day, about several months after the first lockdown, sitting at my desk and realizing how much my life had changed from what had been the 'norm'. 

For 16 years I had had a regular rhythm: work 5 days at week with, enjoy weekends off, and travel frequently. This was my life, and I enjoyed it.

However, as I sat at my desk that day, I recognized my 'regular life' was no more, and would never be the same again, for many reasons. 

One of the biggest changes was the amount of eye-popping information crossing my desk each day, teaching me things about the world I had previously not known - information which had been 'out there', but which I had been...

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