Lessons in not repeating the past... and creating a better future

history Jul 15, 2023

“Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.”

Note: the above video contains some potentially upsetting facts and images, I suggest listening rather than watching if any of the images are too upsetting. Or simply don't watch it at all...

I remember a particular day, about several months after the first lockdown, sitting at my desk and realizing how much my life had changed from what had been the 'norm'. 

For 16 years I had had a regular rhythm: work 5 days at week with, enjoy weekends off, and travel frequently. This was my life, and I enjoyed it.

However, as I sat at my desk that day, I recognized my 'regular life' was no more, and would never be the same again, for many reasons. 

One of the biggest changes was the amount of eye-popping information crossing my desk each day, teaching me things about the world I had previously not known - information which had been 'out there', but which I had been oblivious to, simply because I hadn't been told or taught the truth of what is going on in the world. 

I'll be honest, initially I had no interest in watching much of this information - I just wanted to 'get on with my life' - but something inside impelled me to watch and learn. 

And so I watched and learned... and my eyes were opened.

I started to understand the level of degradation, corruption, greed, ignorance, harm, malicious intent and pain in the world - which has been deliberately kept hidden from most of humanity by a certain group of people, for decades. A deliberate planned agenda to harm humanity. The very essence of evil.

I came to understand how the average human has been hood-winked, through the media, education, advertising and cleverly planned tactics, into thinking life is 'x' when actually it is 'y'. 

This information is now coming to light for many more to see, and people are really starting to wake up. 

When we start to wake up to the truth of 'what is', it's not a pretty sight. Just as facing our personal shadow is not fun, seeing humanity's collective shadow is even less fun. If you remember Neo entering the backend of the 'Matrix', this was not a pleasant process, but he knew he had to do it, in order to save himself and collective humanity.

So right now, the collective shadow of humanity is rearing its ugly head, and it's not a pleasant sight, because we have to face the parts of ourselves we have been avoiding and hiding*.

Over the past 3 years I have watched hundreds of videos revealing information about how the world really works, in particular the staggering levels of corruption and hidden agendas in multiple organizations and industries such as politics, technology, the medical system, agriculture, food industry, big pharma, government, education and more. 

Just this last week I came across yet another new video series, which dissects in retrospect what happened over the past 3 years, demonstrating how the events were built upon the previous 100 years - and how this is the history which was never taught to us in school. If you watch the video at the top of this blog, this gives you an insight into some of this history, which we must at all costs avoid repeating. And here's the thing: it's already happening, and unless more people wake up to the truth of what is happening, it will continue and get worse. 

This is why we must understand the truth, and then take the right steps to make the right change. 

The 'End of Covid' video series is a fascinating look at what really happened these past 3 years. 

It includes 90 interviews, short films, and presentations – covering every aspect of the C@V!D “pandemic” – connecting the many the pandemics before it (Spanish flu, polio epidemic, AIDS crisis, SARS outbreak, bird flu panic). 

In particular I enjoyed the 'setting the scene' session with Leslie Manookian, who succinctly describes the hidden financial-political reasons for why the world had to be brought to an abrupt halt in 2020. It's seriously fascinating. If you watch only one session, make sure to watch this one - it's called 'Setting the Scene part 2'. 

The series is free to watch during July, you can dip in and out and watch however much or little as you like.

One thing is for sure, that cannot be denied after watching this series: the whole shebackle of the past 3 years was a set up - the world was taken for a ride. Fortunately not everyone was taken in, and now it's time to learn from the past so we don't repeat it again.

Watch the 'End of Covid' here:


* 'Avoiding and hiding' just happens to be one of the 10 fundamental unhealthy patterns of consciousness we learn to transmute in the Ren Xue 'Patterns Transformation' process.  See www.taohealthqigong.com for more information on how to transform the unhealthy patterns of consciousness and grow 'Xin Ling' the heart consciousness. This IS the work of cutting off the heads of the hydra (see image above in blog). 


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