The 'Bigger Picture' Series
Understanding the deeper, hidden reasons for the world's crises,
and what we must do to effectively solve our problems.
Scroll down... watch... read... decide...

What is the 'Bigger Picture' Video Series?
The Bigger Picture series is for anyone interested in understanding the deeper, esoteric (hidden) 'big picture' reasons for why our planet is in crisis, and what it is we can do to dig our way out of the multiple world problems we have collectively created. These problems include the health-disease-care system... environment, climate, geo-engineering, war... economy, poverty, inequality, corrupted financial systems, trafficking... degradation of food and water, famine... corruption in politics, government, big corporations... dangers of big Tech, Ai, VR, transhumanism... and more.
When understood in the context of millions of years of human evolution, and the deeper 'meta-physical' spiritual nature of life, the puzzle picture of current world breakdown becomes clearer: the human family is on a non-negotiable evolutionary journey of consciousness, moving to ever higher and higher levels of self-realization, including the fundamental principle that 'crisis precedes change'.
During our journey of 'd-evolution' into greater and greater extremes of materialism, we have become more and more SEPARATE from our True Self... True Nature... DIVINITY. Our current world crises are largely due to this extreme of separation and descent from 'Spirit to matter'. Humanity also finds itself in a 'burning ground' period as we transition through major astrological and rayalogical shifts of time spanning thousands of years.
The good news is, humanity stands on the precipice of a massive collective leap in consciousness to a higher level of self-realization, with the opportunity to co-create a vastly improved planet, where we can experience peace, harmony, joy, love... if we are willing to do the inner work it requires to get there.
Scroll down to see what is included in this VERY comprehensive and transformational program, including a 4 part video-training, guest speakers, bonus e-learning courses, video reference library and more.
Watch the Free IntroductionWhy the Urgent Need for the 'Bigger Picture' Series?
In order to solve a problem at its fundamental level, the first and most important thing to do is to understand what is creating the problem at a root cause level. Without this understanding, one is stabbing in the dark for solutions.
As is explained in the 'Bigger Picture' program, nothing in manifest existence (physical reality) can exist without a prior cause behind it in unseen dimensions of existence (meta-physical reality).
This program explains the root causes of the world's problems which are the end-results of prior causes in other dimensions of existence, ie, our (predominantly) unconscious consciousness, as well as greater forces of 'good and evil', which are intimately connected with a millions-of-years journey of evolution of human consciousness.
Whilst most people are focused on trying to change the outer (objective) world, (and of course, this is all important and necessary), true lasting change occurs when we (a) understand what is causing a problem at a fundamental root causal level and (b) make the necessary changes in our inner (subjective) environment.
Whilst most people believe the cause of our current world crises are situations such as the corruption and greed of governmental and private corporate agencies, as you will discover in the 'Bigger Picture' program, these are in themselves only results of prior deeper and hidden causes.
This video series explores and reveals these hidden causes, along with SOLUTIONS to turning our problems around.
Watch the Free Introduction
Free Introduction
A comprehensive introduction and overview of the Bigger Picture series.

4 Part Webinar Training
A comprehensive exploration into the deeper root cause reasons for the world's problems, and how we can turn things around.

Guest Speakers
Interviews with guest experts on the deeper, esoteric reasons for and solutions to our world problems.

Guest Speaker Panel
A discussion on the themes of 'the hidden history of humanity' and 'how to make it through times of crisis'.

Bonus E-Courses
5 Bonus e-learning programs and courses, including 'Journey of the Soul' and the AWAKEN interview series.

Video Library
A comprehensive reference library filled with educational videos and tips and recommendations for further learning.
Overview of the Bigger Picture Series
Note: only the introduction is free.
Free Introduction
In part one we cover two main topics:
1. A 'joining-the-dots' exercise to understand how the puzzle pieces fit together, and are interconnected, in the many problem areas we are currently experiencing in life: ie, social, financial, economic, political, environmental, climate, big tech, global control, war, poverty, food, health and more.
2. An introduction to 'human perception and consciousness', in particular in relation to 'expansions of consciousness' which occur as our awareness grows to understand what is really going on in the world, most of which has been kept hidden for centuries.

Full Program: 4 Part Webinar Training
In this 4 part video training we dive DEEP into the underlying hidden root causes of world problems through the lens of the 'Ageless Wisdom' teachings, a body of knowledge passed down for centuries, which has mostly been hidden from humanity... until now.
In these training videos we reveal the true 'hidden history of humanity' which stretches back millions of years, including the civilizations which have come and gone in that time.
We explore the esoteric nature of existence, including the evolution of human consciousness through the 5 kingdoms of the nature, the first major goal being the 'Kindom of Souls'. We look at how 'crisis always precedes major transformation', and how our current crises are part of this evolutionary change.
We look at humanity's current critical choicepoint as it stands at the crossroads of either creating a world where we live in harmony with nature, or create a dystopian transhumanistic world of mechanistic cyborgs. Will we 'make a hell of heaven, or heaven of hell'? The choice is ours, and we must choose wisely.
(See further down page for more indepth outline of the 4 part video series).
5 Bonus E-Programs
Bonus E-Courses: 'The Journey of the Soul' (6 part video series), 'In Service to Humanity' (10 part video series), 'Mind Body Soul Spirit', '5 Levels of Healthcare' and the AWAKEN Summit Interviews on 'enlightenment and self-realization'. (Scroll down for details of each program).
What participants are saying about the 'Bigger Picture' series...
"I am delighted to have signed up for "The Bigger Picture" - it's exactly what I needed to make sense of it all, and also to make more spiritual progress".
"Being able to view world events from a bigger perspective has taken me from fear to openness through this deeper understanding. I can't wait to learn more!"
"It's full and rich with highly informative information and the 'joining the dots' exercise is just brilliant!"
"I want to share how much I'm enjoying this series"
“This morning's presentation was stimulating, so well presented and easy to understand".
"Thank you Kim, David and all the presenters for sharing your knowledge and giving me this wonderful opportunity to learn about the Bigger Picture”.
I want to understand The Bigger Picture!
Free IntroductionDetailed Overview of 4 Part Video Series
You can either register for the 4 part video training only, or go the full hog and get the bonus content including guest speakers too. See checkout for details.
Webinar 1 - 'Joining the Dots'
In the first webinar we assess the overall situation on where humanity and the planet stand right now, putting together the jigsaw pieces in a 'join the dots' exercise on a materialistic (material - matter - physical plane) level. This is akin to going up above the ground to take a helicopter view so that the scope of the problem is seen more clearly, because understanding the root cause of a problem is the first step to solving it.

Webinar 2 - The Hidden History of Humanity
Now that we have a clear understanding of the complexity of reasons for the world being in crisis, we will begin to explore the deeper 'behind the scenes' reasons from an esoteric / spiritual level. In this webinar we explore the millions of years of 'hidden history of humanity' which most people are completely oblivious to, the complex nature of man as (s)he journeys through the 7 planes and dimensions of existence, and the impact of enormous astrological and rayalogical transitions of time. All this helps to make sense of the deeper meaning behind our current planetary crises.

Webinar 3 - The Spiritual Journey
In this section of the program we dive deeper into the esoteric nature of the 'Divine Plan' for humanity, guided by masters of wisdom. We explore the various expansions of consciousness which man progresses through on his journey of self-realization, and look at the 3 main pillars of spiritual progress we must all attend to on our personal journey to enlightenment. More guest speaker interviews are released at this time, plus access to part three of the video reference library.

Webinar 4 - Steps to a brighter future
In this final video, we will share tools, strategies, tips and recommendations for how we can best navigate and come through our current world situation, individually and collectively. These are the missing steps that most of humanity is not yet taking, and which are preventing us making the progress we would really like. You will also be pointed in the direction of further information, resources and study where you can learn more about the topics we have introduced in this course. This may be the start of a new adventure... a better life.

4 Part Video Training or Full Bigger Picture Package
Please choose from the two options below (4-part training or full package) and ensure you use the right payment button for your country of residence, thanks!
4 Part Webinar Training
$125 NZD
New Zealand Residents (for tax purposes)
4 Part Video Training Only (New Zealand Residents)4 Part Webinar Training
$78 USD
Rest of World (excluding New Zealand)
4 Part Video Training (All Countries Except NZ)Full Bigger Picture Package
$295 NZD
New Zealand Residents (for tax purposes)
Full Program Package (New Zealand Residents)Full Bigger Picture Package
$185 USD
New Zealand Residents (for tax purposes)
Full Program Package (All Countries Excl New Zealand)FAQ
In case you have any questions...
Why is there a paid and free option?
Why the Urgent Need for the 'Bigger Picture' Program?
Guest Expert Speaker interviews:
Guest experts interviews looking at the esoteric meaing to life and our current world problems... and steps to making it through.

Guest Interview: Francis Evans
Waking up from the Dream: Dreaming the World into Existence
The Evolution of Planetary Unfoldment
Francis has a long history in the study and application of metaphysics, including studying the Ageless Wisdom teachings of Madam Blavatsky through the theosophical society, and the teachings of Master DK through the Seven Ray Institute and Morya Federation. He is a trained hypnotherapist and Master Practitioner of NLP (neuro linguistic programming). His long-term study of astrology has shown him how the evolution of humanity is revealed as new planetary bodies are discovered (a fascinating topic which he shares in his interview). Francis is also the channel of 'Mercredan', dedicated to assisting to uplift the planetary vibration and build the recognition of 'the unity of consciousness without separation.

Guest Interview: Anthony Wyber
2023 - The Call to Change
As we prepare to enter into the year 2023 we are witnessing an ever deepening and expanding global existential crisis. Discover what’s really happening behind the global crisis and how you can respond and work constructively with the forces of change.
Anthony Wyber has had many years of experience in producing and working with vibrational medicine for holistic health and wellbeing. He experienced a deep affinity with nature from an early age and to deepen his understanding of devic forces, spent time at the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland. He is well known and respected for his knowledge of and expertise in the field of energy medicine and of the nature power of Aotearoa.
Tony is equally well known for his knowledge and expertise in the field of hermetics, alchemy and magic which he has studied for over 50 years. He is an authority on Eighth Ray Magic® with a comprehensive knowledge of the Western magical tradition and practical occultism. He has written and co-authored several books including his most recent 'Raven Chronicle' series, offering reliable occult information recontextualized for 21st century application.

Guest Interview: Guy Hatchard
The Call to Consciousness
Guy received his undergraduate degree in Logic and Theoretical Physics from the University of Sussex and his Ph.D. in Psychology from Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield Iowa.
He was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory, and his published work uses the statistical methods of the physical sciences to analyse social data. He has lectured and advised governments in countries around the world on health and education initiatives. His book 'Your DNA Diet' examines the role of genetic information in nutrition, and illustrates how by leveraging the Power of Consciousness we can Heal Ourselves and Our World.
He is a pioneer of research on consciousness as a field phenomenon and has presented papers on the benefits of meditation to improve health outcomes and quality of life.

Guest Interview: Thomas Mayer
Spiritual Science: Unseen Forces
Thomas Mayer has published several books including 'Overcoming Fear - Exercises for spiritual self-defense', 'C***d Va**ines from a Spiritual Perspective - Consequences for the Soul and Spirit and for Life after Death' and books on elemental beings/nature spirits. Since 2004 he has been teaching anthroposophical meditation together with his partner Agnes.
He was also co-founder and director of "More Democracy“ which organized many local referendums in Germany and Switzerland, including the Swiss "sovereign money“ referendum in 2018 on the question of who should have the right to create money: private banks or public institutions?

Guest Interview: Tuija Robbins
Re-imagining the United Nations: the E(soteric)UN
Tuija Robbins is the President and Director of the Northern Light Mystery School in Finland, a director and faculty member of the Morya Federation of Esoteric Schools of Meditation, and sits on the Board of the Directors of the University of the Seven Rays. Her spiritual background is in theosophy, and her interest covers all religions and mythologies, assisting people to discover their highest spiritual potential. Her beautiful ceremonies and production have been presented at a number of international gatherings in Australia, New Zealand, the United States and in several countries in Europe.
For over thirty years she has conducted monthly full moon ceremonial services through group invocation for the distribution of the energies of the higher spiritual realms to humanity. Much of her ceremonial work and teaching takes place in the beautiful ‘Temple of Silence’—a geometrically designed, octagonal temple located in her spiritual center in southern Finland. Tuija is focused at this time on the promised possibility that the Deva kingdom and Human Kingdom will achieve increased cooperation in the Aquarian Age and will eventually merge. She is presently writing a book on this subject based on her extensive experience with the Deva Kingdom.

Guest Interview: Francis Donald
Cosmogenesis - The Forgotten History of the World
Francis Donald has had a deep love for learning the 'Truth' from an early age, studying with a self-realized guru (teacher) for 10 years as a teenager. His background is in music and art, playing saxophone, teaching guitar, and singing professionally. He's also had a decades-long career as an oil painter, and is known for his digital spiritual artworks.
Francis has been studying the Wisdom Teachings since the mid-eighties and taught it for the past ten years. He is a faculty advisor for the Morya Federation and is currently hosting three ongoing webinar series: Manly P. Hall's The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Helena Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine, and Alice Bailey's A Treatise on Cosmic Fire.

Guest Interview: Sally Mabelle
From Separation to Unity Consciousness
What's the biggest problem in the world that we're facing and how do we overcome it/ transform it?
Sally Azima Mabelle is a Unitarian Universalist sufi interfaith minister and author of 'The Voice of Leadership: Six Keys to Presence, Influence, and Creative Confidence'.
She sees the biggest problem in the world as 'separation consciousness', and our greatest challenge to transform our sense of disconnection into 'unity consciousness'. We are all part of one interconnected web of life, and the more we commit to thinking and acting from this larger sense of Self, the more graceful will be our evolution.
Sally will share the 10 essential qualities to support ourselves in this transition as well as some simple practices which can help us in these times.
Guest Interview: David Whitehead
The Esoteric and Hidden History of Humanity
David Whitehead has a background in martial arts, and has been working full-time as an independent researcher/journalist for many years. His exploration and research into ancient occult knowledge, alternative history and the subject of human consciousness is both profound and impressive.
He is the creator of the extraordinary documentary series 'The Cult of the Medics' which pieces together the real and hidden history of the modern medical-industrial complex. He also hostsn the TruthWarrior Podcast.

Guest Interview: Tony Knight
Consciousness is the True Currency
What is the true history of humanity? Why have we been lied to? What is it time to wake up to?
In this interview Tony will speak on esoteric topics such as the dawning of the golden age and cycles of time, the true history of education which has been hidden from most people, and many other fascinating topics.
Since his early twenties, Tony has travelled to ancient and sacred places in Australia, India, Egypt, Turkey, UK, Thailand, America, Asia and Europe. In the mid 90's, he founded a metaphysical retail and book store in New Zealand.
In 2011 he moved with his partner into a small lifestyle property, growing their own food, experiencing a profound connection with the land, seasons and nature, and profound healings in mind, body and spirit. This later led him to teach and mentor on the natural sciences, truth, conscious co creation and authentic freedom. He believes that by understanding natural principles and immutable universal laws, we can discover true empowerment and purpose.

Guest Interview: Robito Chatwin
Why Inner Work changes the Outer World
'We do not avoid problems, but we focus on solutions'
Robito is a full-time meditator, UK Uni Tutor of critical thinking, and founder of the Conscious People's Network (CPN) on Telegram.
Formerly Covid Positive News, CPN has become a global community uniting without prejudice or discrimination with oneness of purpose: to support each other, collaborate and share as we co-conceive the world we want to live in.
His podcast series 'Wake Up with Robito' focuses on the inspiring stories from both the famous and non-famous within the truth/freedom movement and conscious community, in which the awake and aware share their personal freedom journey, the inspiring initiatives they are involved in, and the advice they would give to others on this journey.
A full-time meditator, his mind does not travel into the past or the future. He lives in the present moment and in a state of inner peace ("with no high claims," he says, "it’s just neuroplasticity!"). He has learnt how to marry the Bigger Picture outside with the Bigger Picture inside, and follow his highest purpose in these rapidly changing times.

Guest Interview: Gerry Pyves
Touching Spirit
The role of touch to access the highest Self
Gerry is a registered Transactional Analysis Psychotherapist in both New Zealand and the United Kingdom, and has worked clinically as a massage therapist and psychotherapist for 38 years. He's the author of “Touching Trauma, Building Resilience” a book about the use of touch to remove trauma. Gerry has trained over three thousand qualified massage therapists in zero-strain massage and in the psychology of touch. His interest is focused on the spiritual and psychological aspects of touch, and the role of touch in global healing.

Guest Interview: Janine Savient
We are the change we are seeking
Janine is an Intuitive Visionary, Speaker, Writer, and Group Facilitator, who shares her knowing of this reality with those ready to hear. Janine has been awake and aware of the falsity of this world all her life: however, in the last 20 years, she has come to realise the awakening happening is all about releasing the falsity within the minds of humanity.
Change is here and it arrives through us! We are the Change Bringers, and as we feel change rising now within us, our feet set firmly on this earth, our minds soften down, as our hearts open wide! We are shaking off the veils of the illusion we've been caught in, and we are once again feeling our powerful presence ... as nature gives the clarion call! We have come to birth the New World into form - energetically and physically.
Through external influences, untrue ideas and beliefs have been, and are, programmed into unaware minds that hold each person away from knowing their deepest truth.
5 BONUS programs are included in the full package:
Includes ongoing access to ALL program content - take as long as you need to watch.
The AWAKEN interview series
The road to an enlightened world
Interviews with 10 guest experts on the topic of self-realization and enlightenment: why transformation of consciousness is the key to solving our current world crises and humanity's problems. Click here for an overview of the AWAKEN Interview Series.

Heart Mind Soul Spirit
3 part video series with Kim Knight
An introduction to the multi-dimensional constitution of man, and evolution of humanity spanning millions of years.

Journey of the Soul
6 part video series with David Hopper
This course provides an overview of the world of the Soul and take you on a journey of discovering how it expresses and influences in your life. It is a practical, hands-on course which includes numerous techniques for working in consciousness.

10 Service Groups within Humanity
10 part video series with David Hopper
A deep dive into the unfolding of the divine plan for humanity through the 10 Service Groups, the creative source in the Social, Political, Cultural, Healing, Religious, Educational, Scientific and Economic sectors of world civilization.

5 Levels of Consciousness, Healthcare and You
Discover how your level of consciousness unconsciously (and consciously) dictates your healthcare choices. This program will show you how your unconscious beliefs affect which healthcare options you know about or hear of, how childhood, environmental and educational influences unconsciously program your mind and beliefs around healthcare, how there may be many more healing options available to you than what you are currently aware of, which once your consciousness shifts, immediately and almost miraculously become available to you, and more.

Bigger Picture Video Library
An eye-opening smorgesboard of videos, documentaries and films which will open your eyes to the three options which humanity is now facing as we move into the age of technocracy. Which path will we take? The choice is ours.

What is the 'Bigger Picture' video series about? Who is it for?
This video series (live and recorded) is for anyone interested in understanding the bigger and deeper spiritual reasons for why our planet is in crisis.
When understood in the context of the millions of years of evolution of humanity, everything will make sense: when you understand how our current crisis is a necessary part of human evolution, and learn tangible solutions for making it through, you will be able to live your life with greater faith, hope and optimism.
Dive into the Bigger PictureThere is no more time to waste!
A few short videos with a snapshot of the content of the full training program.
Your 'Bigger Picture' Hosts
Kim Knight
Kim has been studying the 'Wisdom Teachings' since the early 2000s, and still regards herself as a beginner student of these vast teachings.
A transformative shift of consciousness in her late 20's set her firmly on the path of spiritual exploration, and she has since studied with several self-realized teachers of wisdom.
Her natural ability to see through to the root cause of problems, and explain complex topics in laymens terms, makes her an ideal person to help convey these teachings to those new to this vast subject.
In 2021 she convened the 'AWAKEN' Summit, a multi-speaker online event exploring the topic of self-realization and enlightenment.

David Hopper
David has been a student of esotericism for over 40 years. He has given numerous presentations in the US and Russia, and is a regular speaker at the University of the 7 Rays. He completed his Arcane School studies with the Lucis Trust in 2009, and is on the faculty for the Morya Federation School of Esotericism.
David has written three books on esotericism, meditation and the Wisdom teachings:
- "The Soul Source - A Primer for Living as a Soul",
- “Subjective Influences through the 10 Service Groups”
- “Glossary of Esoteric Thought”