$295.00 NZD or more

By purchasing the 'Bigger Picture' series you agree and understand the following, and absolve the producers of all and any liability:

The Bigger Picture series is informational only, and as a self-responsible human being it is your responsibility to determine what is true, real and right for you.

Some of the content may challenge your current perceptions of reality, and you are encouraged to practice good self-care if at any time you feel a little out of your comfort zone. Part of the nature of change is we move beyond our current reality into new perceptions and understanding, which initially can feel uncomfortable.

It's important to take time to allow new information to integrate, and take good care of your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. There is never any pressure from the producers of this series to change your beliefs or make you believe anything that does not feel right for you. 

Since you have ongoing indefinite access to the course content, you can take you time to watch and assimilate the materials without feeling rushed.

The Full Bigger Picture Program

The Bigger Picture - Full Package

4 Part Video Series:

Part One: 'Joining the Dots'

Understanding how physical 'objective' plane reality is the outward manifestation of inner 'subjective' plane causes is paramount for understanding the 'bigger picture' of what is happening on planet earth at this time.

In part one we go on a journey of 'joining the dots' to see how the disintegration and chaos in the world are the end-result of the 'involutionary move' descent from Spirit to matter (materialism). Humanity is currently at a breaking point, and our choices NOW will determine the outcome of our future. 

Do we want to see a future where we are living in harmony with the laws of nature, or do we want to experience a future foretold in transhumanistic sci-fi movies? The choice is ours. 

In part one we also address the topic of perception and consciousness, in preparation for the likely and potential 'expansions of consciousness' one may experience as one goes through this course.

Part Two: The Hidden History of Humanity

The second part of the training focuses on the untold history of humanity, stretching over eons of time, including many previous civilizations which have come and gone. Is humanity at another extinction event? 

We also cover the significant rayalogical and astrological transitions which we find ourselves in the middle of right now, and introduce the complex topic of the 'constitution of man' - the multi-dimensional layers of who we truly are.

Part Three: The Spiritual Journey

In part three dive deep into the esoteric and spiritual nature of who we truly are, and our journey through the 5 kingdoms of nature to Soul, Spirit and beyond. We explore the dimension of the masters of wisdom who are guiding humanity, and the role we play as the 'forerunners of the light' as we move towards the very important date of 2025 and beyond.

Part Four: Resolution

The final part of the training series focuses on SOLUTIONS. What is it we need to do individually and collectively to transform our world into a place of harmony and peace, where people truly care about each other in a heart-centred way, and we resolve the many crises and chaos in the world?

Additional Content

The Full Bigger Picture program also includes the following content:

  • 'Journey of the Soul' - a 6 part series: an overview of the world of the Soul, taking you on a journey of discovering how it expresses and influences in your life, presented by David Hopper. 
  • 'Heart, Mind, Soul, Spirit' 3 part series, explaining the multi-dimenstionial existence of man, presented by Kim Knight.
  • 'The 10 Service Groups within Humanity' - a 10 part video series with David Hopper: a deep dive into the unfolding of the divine plan for humanity through the 10 Service Groups, the creative source in the Social, Political, Cultural, Healing, Religious, Educational, Scientific and Economic sectors of world civilization, presented by David Hopper. 
  • 5 Levels of Consciousness, Healthcare and You' program - how your consciousness affects the types of healthcare you choose or even know of - presented by Kim Knight
  • 12+ Guest Speaker Interviews discussing the topics of esotericism, the Ageless Wisdom teachings, spirituality and more.
  • The 'AWAKEN' summit interviews - a deep dive interviews into the nature of reality, consciousness, self-realization and self-actualization, and why this is so necessary for helping ourselves save our planet right now. Wisdom teachers include Neal Donald Walsch, Phillip Lindsay, Franchelle Ofsoske-Wyber, Michael Lindfield and more. 
  • Guest Speaker Panel (recorded) focusing on the themes of the 'hidden history of humanity' and 'how can we find meaning and purpose through chaos?'
  • Complete Bigger Picture Reference Library. When you join the full video series, you will be given access to a massive reference library of content which pertains to the series.