Neelesh Marik: The Battle of the Divine and UnDivine

In this 20 minute episode on the Bigger Picture podcast, extracted from the full 75 minute Bigger Picture interview, Neelesh Marik addresses the topic of the battle between the 'Divine and UnDevine', and describes the 'Integral Yoga' of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.

To watch the full interview register for the Full Bigger Picture series: 


Paper on Academia by Neelesh: 'The Divine and the Un-divine: A Time-Spirited Philosophical Contextualisation Background' 

It is widely known in spiritual and esoteric literature that the manifest creation is shaped by an endless interplay of cosmic forces, both benevolent and malevolent to the cause of harmony and order. Those who have the inner vision can see that the world, at the time of the writing of this paper, is almost completely in the vice-grip of a Death Cult whose blood-lust for power and domination is jeopardizing the very survival of the civilisation as we know it, and whose dark shadow has effected a pervasive penetration of Falsehood in every aspectof human existence, with all global institutions under its iron-law. While the build-up to this climacteric has happened across the ages, we currently seem to be on the precarious brink of an existential crossroad wherein we are being asked to either take an evolutionary leap into ahigher order of existence or face extinction.

If that sounds like hyperbole, one can consider various aspects of the individual and corporate life: the psychosis of natural or man-made disease holding the world at ransom, the desecration and poisoning of the environment, the lowest-common-denominator gravitational drag in media and channels of mass influence, the tech-induced stupor presaging a trans-humanist confiscation of the bio-psycho-sociosphere, the soul-deadening shackle of triviality and narcissistic self-absorption in the average subjective preoccupation,the toxicity of cancel culture and woke-ism in intellectual discourse, the weaponisation of various forms of victimhood across social institutions, the bloodbath of religious and political fundamentalism globally (in some countries more than others), the vital pollution inNew Age spiritual cults, the commoditisation of education, and the near-total infiltration of vested interests in academic research and business. The list goes on. There are some dim silver linings in improvements of material comfort and convenience, but these seem superficial in the ominous anti-divine shadow enveloping human life. It almost appears that the Hostile Force is hell-bent on finding and exploiting eventhe slightest gap in the already shaky Truth-edifice, and nothing short of the Full Truth is attack-proof.


Words of Sri Aurobindo:

"We have denied the Divinity in Matter to confine it in our holy places, and now Matter is taking its revenge — we called it crude, and crude it is.

As long as we accept this Imbalance, there is no hope for the earth: we will swing from one pole to the other — both equally false — from material enjoyment to spiritual austerity, without ever finding our plenitude. We need both the vigor of Matter and the fresh waters of the Spirit….

Now the time may have come at last to unveil the Mysteries and to recover the complete truth of the two poles within a third position, which is neither that of the materialists nor that of the spiritualists". – Satprem

The challenge is, most people are only waking up to 'level 1': what's going on in physical-plane' reality. Most people are not yet waking up to 'level 2': spiritual-plane reality. This was the purpose of the recent 'Bigger Picture' series, because there really is no time to lose.


Neelesh's 'Divine UnDivine' podcast on Veil of Reality

Sri Aurobindo - the last Avatar - Veil of Reality podcast


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