A Call to Humanity for Unity

festival full moon wesak May 05, 2023

The Full Moon in Taurus, also known as the Festival of Wesak is the highlight of spiritual year.

Legend tells us that every year during the Full Moon of Taurus, the Buddha returns to the etheric level in the Wesak Valley at the foot of Mount Kailash to strengthen the Spiritual Hierarchy and bless humanity.

Aspirants, students, and initiates around the world see this event as a great moment of spiritual inspiration for the coming year.

During these last months of the “Era of the Forerunner”, we are experiencing the effects of increasing cleavages and division within our human family. We must face the fact that we, too, are divided due to our different perspectives on the events of the time.

Let us recognize the present time as our opportunity and responsibility to elevate our discipleship perception to the higher plane where unity exists despite our differences.

Only united can we fulfill our role as the bridge between the Spiritual Hierarchy and humanity.


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