What is Inflation? with Farzin Irani (45 mins)

  • What is inflation and why is it increasing exponentially?
  • How were banks founded and funded?
  • How was the Reserve Bank formed? Why is it called the 'Bankers' Bank'?
  • Why is the Reserve Bank the only bank with the authority to create bank notes?
  • Why do some people 'wear their wealth' in jewelry instead of putting money in the bank?
  • Why are bank notes just 'coloured monopoly money'?
  • Why can banks lend out 90% of what they have as 'real money' in the bank, and charge interest on money they create out of nothing?
  • Why are bonds just debt?
  • How did the Reserve Bank create money out of thin air and give millions to the government during the pandemic, who passed it on to its citizens? Why did this 'creating massive amounts of money out of thin air' push house prices up exponentially?
  • Why is it in the interest of the government for prices to keep rising?

Original episode on Reality Check Radio: https://realitycheck.radio/money-talks-what-is-inflation/ 


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