Why is Money 'Debt Slavery'? The History of Money with Farzin Irani [RCR] (49 mins)

  • Who creates money?
  • Why are we not taught about money in school when we spend the rest of our lives having to earn it?
  • Why are we kept in the dark? 
  • Why is the 'system' designed for us to not understand and be empowered with money?
  • Why is money created as 'debt slavery' to steal your time?
  • Why do banks have the right to quite literally create money 'out of thin air' and then charge you interest on money they create out of nothing?
  • Why does 'your' money no longer belong to you once you deposit it in the bank?
  • Why do banks have the power to take your money if they need it ('bail ins')?
  • Why are banks wanting to get rid of cash? What will happen once all money is digital and banks introduce 'negative interest rates' (which means you pay the bank to keep your money in the bank) and you can no longer withdraw it because there's no cash anymore?
  • How will banks be able to fine you directly from your digital bank account for not behaving according to 'their' rules?
  • Will banks be able to instantly deduct tax from your bank account without your permission?
  • Will banks be able to prevent you accessing your digital funds?
  • What is the 'CEI ['woke'] score' and how does it relate to Agenda 2030?
  • Why will all governments default on their debts by 2026?
  • How can we re-empower ourselves financially?

Find out with Farzin Irani on Reality Check Radio NZ.

Source: Reality Check Radio: https://realitycheck.radio/money-talks-with-farzin-irani-what-is-legal-tender 


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