What is 'The Bigger Picture'? Why do we need to understand it?

bigger picture Jun 24, 2023

After astronaut Edgar Mitchell went into space in 1971, he said his whole life changed: 

“There was a startling recognition that the nature of the universe was not as I had been taught… I not only saw the connectedness, I felt it.… I was overwhelmed with the sensation of physically and mentally extending out into the cosmos. I realized that this was a biological response of my brain attempting to reorganize and give meaning to information about the wonderful and awesome processes that I was privileged to view.”  

What he described came to be known as the 'Overview Effect' - what one sees and experiences when one has a 'Bigger Picture' view of life - and this is a useful analogy for this article.  

First of all, let's start with the phrase 'as I had been taught'.  

There are many things we have been 'taught' in life, (through our upbringing, schooling, education system, public government systems, social environment, television 'programming', mainstream media etc), which as it turns out, are not true. More than this, as we come to understand how the world works, we see we have been told and come to believe blatant, deliberate, deceptive lies.  

As many of us have been discovering these past 3 years, there is much more going on in our world 'behind the scenes' than we originally knew, which we could sum up as a hidden agenda to keep the majority of the population sick, poor and enslaved.  

So here's the important point and reason for this particular article (and why the 'Bigger Picture' series was produced): 

In human consciousness, we could say there are various levels of living, understanding and navigating life. For the purpose of this article, I'm going to refer to 3 consecutive levels or stages of evolving consciousness.  

Some people have been waking up from 'level 1' to 'level 2', catapulted into a new understanding of the world as a direct consequence of information coming to light since the p(l)andemic began. This includes massive revelations about the workings of the so-called 'military industrial complex', and various organizations such as 'big pharma, big tech, big agriculture, big media, big politics, big war' and more. 

Initially many believe this new level of understanding IS the 'bigger picture' and root causes of our problems. However, as we come to discover, level 2 is only an intermediary stepping stone to level 3 - 'The Overview Bigger Picture Effect'. And what is imperative to understand is, until and unless we fully understand levels 2 and 3, it is unlikely we will be able to fully solve our significant world crises.  

So let's further explore these 3 levels of awareness and awakening: The 'Spaceship' / 'Birds Eye' / 'Hen on Ground' View of Life 

Level 1 - Hen on the Ground (first level or stage of human conscious awareness). 

Level 1 is like a hen on the ground, pecking away for scraps of food, with very little intelligence (compared to the intelligence of other animals or humans, nothing personal to hens). This level is what we could call the first stage of being ‘awake' in human consciousness, which actually is more akin to being asleep or comatose in terms of understanding ‘the bigger picture’. 

For people at level 1, one tends to see life in terms of being born, going to school, getting a job, getting married, having kids, going on holiday, and at some point dying. This is 'the white picket fence' version of life, and most of humanity have been at this level for some time. This is the population 'programmed' to believe that 'what the system says goes', without even realizing there is far more to life. They take everything at face value and operate at a 'surface level'. (Please note, there is no judgement here, it's just a statement of fact, and wherever we find ourselves now, we all pass through level 1). And then we move on... 

Level 2: Bird's Eye View (second stage of human consciousness awakening) (and really the first stage of starting to 'wake up') 

In stage 2, we start to see what is going on 'behind the scenes': for example, in politics, the media, education, health, environment, climate, big tech, the economy and much much more - it encompasses understanding any and all levels of what is going on in everyday life in a different and deeper way. All is no longer what it has seemed: up is down, and down is up. 

We start to see how we have been duped by many organizations, such as big pharma / big medicine, big food / big agriculture, big tech, big media, big politics, big war, the economic and financial system... SO many revelations come to light of what has been going on 'behind the scenes' for decades and centuries. Discovering these truths is shocking, upsetting, and at times overwhelming, and requires time to process, digest and integrate. 

Stage 2 is the level many (some?) people have been waking up to these past 3 years, through whistleblowers coming to the fore and truth-seekers and truth-tellers worldwide spilling the beans. For many, the p(l)andemic kick-started their journey into stage 2 awakening.  

And here's what we need to understand if we wish to properly solve our world problems: 

Most people at 'level 2' believe the corruption and deception of various corrupt institutions (think WEF, WHO, UN, big banking, big pharma etc) are the cause of our problems, and that if we somehow eradicate these organizations, along with the people who run them, we will magically solve all our problems. However, as we come to discover, this is not necessarily so. Why? 

Because level 2 is only the end-result of a prior level of causation which we discover in stage 3 - 'The Bigger Picture'.  

If we stay at level 2, where much of the 'drama', chaos and truth-revealing occurs, (just see the thousands of daily revelations on Telegram channels, or listen to RCR radio shows, or watch World Council for Health webinars to understand the content I am referring to here), and merely try to solve our problems at this level, despite even our very best intentions, we will go round and round in circles, like the proverbial chicken with its head cut off. We will not be able to solve our problems at a fundamental level, because fully solving problems requires pulling the roots out. Level 2 end results are merely the manifestations of deeper, hidden causes. For full resolution, we need to get to and operate from level 3 reality: 

Level 3: The 'Bigger Picture' Overview Effect 

Level 3 is the third stage of awakening for humanity. Whilst we thought we were 'waking up' at level 2 (and we were to some degree), level 3 is where we really start to see the truth about life, death, the universe... It's where we start to see more of 'what is behind what is behind' physical and spiritual plane reality. We get to see who and what is pulling the strings behind the curtains. We start to understand the spiritual and meta-physical context of life: why are we here, what is our true purpose, who are we really?...   

This journey is not for the faint-hearted, and will test each of us to our core. It is the very journeying of Neo into the Matrix, which at times was most unpleasant (understatement). In Edgar Mitchell’s words, it requires the brain "to reorganize and give meaning to information’, because what we are faced with as we move from level 2 to 3 is often disturbing, involving uncomfortable ‘expansions of consciousness’ and facing truths we’d rather avoid, both about ourselves and the world at large. 

So what is level 3 reality? We’ll explore more about this in the next newsletter. In the meantime, here are a few resources you can check out:  

RCR podcast with Natalie Cutler-Welsh https://realitycheck.radio/david-hopper-kim-knight-esoteric-reasons-humanitys-crisis/  

Awaken and Ascend Podcast with Jennifer Regular on 'The Bigger Picture' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwd9BDlbWfQ   

Blog: 7 Esoteric Reasons for Humanity's Problems https://www.agelesswisdomteachings.org/blog/7-esoteric-reasons-for-humanity-s-problems  



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